Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Photo Manipulation

It is clear that every image in magazines and the media is photoshopped. Photoshop can be used to benefit you in positive ways, but it can also ruin an image. There is a limit to images getting photoshopped, but I can clearly state that most images in the media are too altered.

An example of photoshop would be the following photo of Jessica Alba. The photo has been retouched to make her look more attractive than she already is. They have made her skin brighter and her hair more shiny.

This photo is an example of photoshop benefiting the person. Jessica look much more attractive because her skin look flawless, while the background image compliments how she looks. The photoshop retoucher also gave her more curves besides the ones her shorts provide her

In my opinion I feel that photoshopping images can be beneficial if you don't cross the line. IF you use it to retouch small things like hair or blemishes, then that would be acceptable for me. If it's something larger like making someone look younger or thinner, then in that case, that changes my view on photo manipulation. Like my example above, although Jessica Alba is still attractive, photoshop makes her seem like she is flawless.
Of course, I do think that companies are crossing the line with their photo manipulations but if
thats what they need to do to advertise and become successful, they can do what they please.

Models that say
no to photoshop and make-up pleases me because it shows that there are actually people ou
t there comfortable in their own skin willing to show the world. This should inspire other peopl
e to do the same because everyone should be comfortable in their own skin. Hopefully this trend sticks because this proves that those who are comfortable are taking a stand while letting everyone know.

When I look at a magazine like the one of the left, I think that it actually looks good when she's not wearing 10 pounds of make-up considering her age. This shows that not only fake people can rock the magazine.

Monday, March 8, 2010

education can always be fun

In my opinion, I think that video games are actually beneficial when it comes to games that educate you in different ways. Kids that have a passion for cooking can test their skills by playing games such as Cooking Mama, and Iron chef. With these games, the kids will become more experienced when it comes to cooking. If kids are more interested in racing cars or other sorts, they can test their skills with Mario Kart or Burnout. Both games give kids an idea of what the future hold in the workforce, and they are not created just for the fun of gaining entertainment.

With what has been created lately such as the Wii fit, this shows technology has grown in many different ways. Not only can a person excercise their muscles and bones at their own home, but they can also do it with the entertainment being tagged along. No more sweaty jogs or workouts for the body you've been looking for. The one game that interests me the most, is Brainage. I find this game very entertaining because not only does it train my brain to think faster, better and stronger, but it also gives me the entertainment i've been looking for in games.

Beauty is within

My opinion about the dove commercial is that it actually helps women and other girls that watch it. I think it benefits the ladies because when they watch this video, they realize that any woman can look beautiful without any photoshop or makeup. I feel that this campaign is amazing because it teachers girl that beauty is always within and not what's on the outside or the amount of makeup they put on. I think it's greatly beneficial for the female race in the sense that is gives women or all females the feeling of pride in themselves and it allows them to recognize their true beauty. Therefore, I think that establishing this campaign puts women and even young girls at an advantage.

Of course i think they hold some ethical responsibility because after all, it's their sectors. Plus, it would be a negative for them if even one of their sectors did not uphold the same sort of beliefs and values because it gives them a bad image especially if these said values and beliefs are not morally accepted. Not to mention it goes to show how the parent company is unable to maintain a oneness and likeness between all its different sectors.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

That was the past, This is the future.

Clearly, in the past, those messages we're supposed to be catchy and appropriate. But in my opinion, these advertisements are neither catchy nor appropriate. I don’t find them catchy or appropriate because there’s nothing in the advertisement that catches my eye or plants something in my brain for me to think about later. These ads just come off as nonsense to me. This ads were able to run because of how oblivious people in the past were. The fact most Americans we’re clearly oblivious to what the ads were saying and because of how uneducated they were about the issue gave the ad more time to be spread across the country. When comparing the ads we have running right now to the ones in the past, the ones that are running now have things in them that try to relate to real people with issues such as weight, smoking, and beauty. The ads are basically trying to say “if you buy the products we create, or join the program we’re holding, we’ll support you in any way.” This method of advertisement is a pretty smart way because it convinces the consumer that the manufacturers of the product will be with the consumer every step of the way.


Google maps street view is one of the most popular search engines out. Many people might think of the street view as a feature that invades others privacy, but majority of the population using it think otherwise. There are different views of the street view, the good and the bad. I’m on the fence about the street view because I agree with both sides. The good side states that it’s a fast and easy search engine.

Not only is it fast, it gives detailed information and directions on how to get there and where the location is. This can also be a bad thing because not everyone is okay with having their home posted on a site where the whole world can see. Not just their home, but their address, postal code, state, province, city and country. Overall, I say that Google maps street view isn’t really a problem with invading privacy because everywhere around the world, red lights in stoplights have cameras built in. This shows that every day, your photo is being taken without you even knowing and the street view problem is just all in your head. I admit street view could be a bit creepy, but the pros in the case overpower the cons.