Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Photo Manipulation

It is clear that every image in magazines and the media is photoshopped. Photoshop can be used to benefit you in positive ways, but it can also ruin an image. There is a limit to images getting photoshopped, but I can clearly state that most images in the media are too altered.

An example of photoshop would be the following photo of Jessica Alba. The photo has been retouched to make her look more attractive than she already is. They have made her skin brighter and her hair more shiny.

This photo is an example of photoshop benefiting the person. Jessica look much more attractive because her skin look flawless, while the background image compliments how she looks. The photoshop retoucher also gave her more curves besides the ones her shorts provide her

In my opinion I feel that photoshopping images can be beneficial if you don't cross the line. IF you use it to retouch small things like hair or blemishes, then that would be acceptable for me. If it's something larger like making someone look younger or thinner, then in that case, that changes my view on photo manipulation. Like my example above, although Jessica Alba is still attractive, photoshop makes her seem like she is flawless.
Of course, I do think that companies are crossing the line with their photo manipulations but if
thats what they need to do to advertise and become successful, they can do what they please.

Models that say
no to photoshop and make-up pleases me because it shows that there are actually people ou
t there comfortable in their own skin willing to show the world. This should inspire other peopl
e to do the same because everyone should be comfortable in their own skin. Hopefully this trend sticks because this proves that those who are comfortable are taking a stand while letting everyone know.

When I look at a magazine like the one of the left, I think that it actually looks good when she's not wearing 10 pounds of make-up considering her age. This shows that not only fake people can rock the magazine.